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Gilesh, MP, Jain S, MadhuKumar SD, Jacob L, Bellur U.  2019.  Opportunistic live migration of virtual machines. International Journal of Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, Wiley. 32(5)
Gilesh, MP, MadhuKumar SD, Jacob L.  2019.  Resource Availability-Aware Adaptive Provisioning of Virtual Data Center Networks. International Journal of Network Management, Wiley. 29(2)
Jaisooraj, MadhuKumar SD, Ghosh A.  2019.  Resource Efficient Routing in Internet of Things: Concept, Challenges, and Future Directions. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, University of Bahrain.
Lee, OT, GJ A, MadhuKumar SD, Chandran P.  2019.  Storage Node Allocation Methods for Erasure Code-based Cloud Storage Systems. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer. (11)
Gilesh, MP, MadhuKumar SD, Jacob L.  2018.  Bounding the Cost of Virtual Machine Migrations for Resource Allocation in Cloud Data Centers, April 2018. ACM SAC Cloud Computing Track. , Pau, France
Howlader, P, Pal KK, MadhuKumar SD, Cuzzocrea A.  2018.  Predicting Facebook-Users’ Personality based on Status and Linguistic Features via Flexible Regression Analysis Techniques, April 2018. ACM SAC 2018 Cognitive Computing Track. , Pau, France
Anu, CM, MadhuKumar SD, Alfredo C.  2018.  Automatic Provenance Capture at Middleware in Big Data Context. Book Chapter in the Book -. Connected Environments for the IoT: Challenges and Solutions. , University of Derby, United Kingdom: Springer Verlag Gmbh, ISBN: 9783319701011
Pratima, HV, Leee OT, MadhuKumar SD, ChandranPriya.  2018.  Improved Epoch expiry and Load handling mechanism for RAPID - The Fast Data update Protocol in Erasure Coded Storage Systems. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE 2018). , Cochin University: IEEE explore
Jain, S, MP G, MadhuKumar SD, Jacob L.  2018.  On the Necessity of Right Optimizations for Live Migration of Virtual Machines. IEEE TENSYMP. , Sydney, Australia: IEEE Explore
Gilesh, MP, Sanjay S, MadhuKumar SD, Lillykutty J.  2018.  Selecting Suitable Virtual Machine Migrations for Optimal Provisioning of Virtual Data Centers. ACM Applied Computing Review. 18(2):22-32.
Akash, GJ, Ojus TL, MadhuKumar SD, ChandranPriya, Alfredo C.  2017.  RAPID: A Fast Data Update Protocol in Erasure Coded Storage Systems for Big Data, May 2017. 2nd IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Distributed Big Data Management (DBDM 2017), In conjunction with IEEE/ACM CCGRID2017. , Madrid, Spain
Arun, KS, Govindan VK, Kumar MSD.  2017.  On integrating re-ranking and rank list fusion techniques for image retrieval, May. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics. : Springer AbstractWebsite
Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD.  2017.  A HEURISTIC BASED ALGORITHM FOR DISTANCE-AWARE VIRTUAL MACHINE ALLOCATION IN CLOUD, March 2017. Second International Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing ( ICC'17). , Cambridge University, United Kingdom:ACM
Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD, Sameera.  2017.  Curtailing Job Completion Time in MapReduce Clouds. Computers & Electrical Engineering, International Journal Elsevier. 58:190-201.
Mathew, AB, MadhuKumar SD, Krishnan MK, Salam SM.  2017.  Efficient query retrieval in Neo4jHA using metaheuristic social data allocation scheme. Computers & Electrical Engineering. AbstractWebsite


Binesh, J, MadhuKumar SD, Alfredo C.  2017.  Enhancing Contact Center Performance Using Cloud Computing: A Case Study on Telecom Contact Centers. Second International Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing ( ICC'17). , Cambridge University, United Kingdom: ACM
Gilesh, MP, MadhuKumar SD, Lillykutty J.  2017.  HyViDE: A Framework for Virtual Data Center Network Embedding. ACM SAC 2017 Track on Cloud Computing. , Marrakesh, Morocco: ACM
Anu Mary Chacko, Anish Gupta, MS, MadhuKumar SD.  2017.  Improving execution speed of incremental runs of MapReduce using provenance. International Journal of Big Data Intelligence. 4:186-194. Abstract


Ojus, OTL, Akash AGJ, MadhuKumar SD, Priya PC.  2017.  A Method for Storage Node Allocation in Erasure Code Based Storage Systems. Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC), 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on. :449–454.: IEEE Abstract


Shabeera, TP, MadhuKumar SD, Salam SM, Krishnan MK.  2017.  Optimizing VM allocation and data placement for data-intensive applications in cloud using ACO metaheuristic algorithm. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal. 20:616-628., Number 2 AbstractWebsite


Regi, NT, Shabeera TP, MadhuKumar SD.  2017.  An algorithm for distance-aware VM allocation with guaranteed bandwidth. IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP), 2017. :1–5.: IEEE Abstract
Jose, B, Ramanan RT, MadhuKumar SD.  2017.  Big data provenance and analytics in telecom contact centers. Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE. :1573–1578.: IEEE Abstract
Chacko, A, MadhuKumar SD.  2017.  Big data provenance research directions. Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE. :651–656.: IEEE Abstract
Pillai, SP, MadhuKumar SD, Radharamanan T.  2017.  Consolidating evidence based studies in software cost/effort estimation. Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE. :833–838.: IEEE Abstract
Gilesh, MP, Kumar MSD, Jacob L, Bellur U.  2017.  Towards a Complete Virtual Data Center Embedding Algorithm Using Hybrid Strategy. 37th {IEEE} International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, {ICDCS} 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 5-8, 2017. :2616–2617. Abstract