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Ansu, F, AbdulNazeer KA.  2016.  Literature Search Tool for the Extraction of Disease Associated Genes using Frequent Itemset Mining, December 2016. International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Security Trends (CAST 2016). , Pune, India
Sithara, EP, AbdulNazeer KA.  2016.  A Hybrid K - H armonic Means with ABC Clustering Algorithm using an Optimal k value for High Performance Clustering. International Conference on Computing and Communication. , Kothamangalam
Visakh, R, AbdulNazeer KA.  2016.  Identifying Epigenetically Dysregulated Pathways from Pathway-Pathway Interaction networks. Elsevier International Journal of Computers in Biology and Medicine. 76:160-167.
Shabana, KM, Nazeer AKA, Pradhan M, Palakal M.  2015.  A computational method for drug repositioning using publicly available gene expression data. BMC Bioinformatics. 16 (Suppl 17): S5Website
Abin, JG, Gopakumar G, Pradhan M, AbdulNazeer KA, Palakal M.  2015.  A Self Organizing Map-Harmony Search Hybrid Algorithm for Clustering Biological Data. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Control and Energy Systems. , Calicut, India.
Nimish, J, Gopakumar G, Meeta P, AbdulNazeer KA, Palakal M.  2015.  Understanding SNP-Gene Associations in Pancreatic Cancer: A Systems Biology Approach. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Control and Energy Systems. , Calicut, India.
Shabana, KM, AbdulNazeer KA.  2014.  A Computational Method for Drug Repositioning using Publicly Available Gene Expression Data. 4th IEEE International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences (ICCABS-2014). , Florida, USA
Christina, J, AbdulNazeer KA.  2014.  An Improved ICPACA based K-means algorithm with self determined centroids. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE). , CUSAT, Kochi
Sreekala, S, AbdulNazeer KA.  2014.  A Literature Search Tool for Identifying Disease-associated Genes using Hidden Markov Model. International Conference on Computational Systems and Communications (ICCSC). , Trivandrum
Arunanand, TA, AbdulNazeer KA.  2014.  A Nature-inspired Hybrid Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Better Clustering of Biological Data Sets. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE). , CUSAT, Kochi
Muhammad, S, AbdulNazeer KA.  2013.  An Improv ed Method for Extracting Acronym-Definition Pairs From Biomedical Literature. International Conference on Control, Communication and Computing. , Trivandrum
AbdulNazeer, KA, MPSebastian, MadhuKumar SD.  2013.  A Novel Harmony Search-K means Hybrid Algorithm for Clustering Gene Expression Data. Bioinformation. 9(2):84-88.Website
Rakshmy, CS, AbdulNazeer KA, Chandra SSV.  2012.  Bio-M: Data Mining on HCV Genotype 1 Core Sequences. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering. , Cochin
Preeja, V, AbdulNazeer KA, Chandra SSV.  2012.  Common Structural Motif Identification in Genomic Sequences. International Conference on Data Science and Engineering. , Cochin
AbdulNazeer, KA, MadhuKumar SD, MPSebastian.  2011.  Enhancing the K-Means Clustering Algorithm by using a O(n logn) Heuristic Method for Finding Better Initial Centroids. International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology- EAIT 2011. , Kolkata, India
AbdulNazeer, KA, MPSebastian, MadhuKumar SD.  2011.  A Heuristic K-Means Algorithm with Better Accuracy and Efficiency for Clustering Health Informatics Data. International Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics. 1(1):66-71.
AbdulNazeer, KA, Lakshmi CP.  2011.  An Improved Clustering Algorithm based on K-Means and Harmony Search Optimization. International Conference on Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems. , Thiruvananthapuram, India
AbdulNazeer, KA, MPSebastian.  2010.  Clustering Biological Data Using Enhanced K-Means Algorithm. Electronic Engineering and Computing Technology. : Springer
AbdulNazeer, KA, MPSebastian.  2009.  Improving the Accuracy and Efficiency of the k-means Clustering Algorithm. International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering, World Congress on Engineering. , Lodon, UK
AbdulNazeer, KA, Rafeeque PC, MPSebastian.  2008.  An Enhanced Method for Mining Acronym-Definition Pairs from Bioinformatics Literature. International Journal of Information Processing. 2(2):98-105.
AbdulNazeer, KA, Rafeeque PC.  2008.  Text Mining for Finding Acronym-Definition Pairs from Biomedical Text using Pattern Matching Method with Space Reduction Heuristics. International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication. , IIT Guwahati
AbdulNazeer, KA, Haleem PPA.  2005.  Standardization of Unstructured Textual Data into Semantic Web Format. Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. , Pune, India