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Jose, J, V.K G.  2014.  Image Reconstruction from Projections using Triangular Linear System of Equations . International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT). Vol. 3(Issue 1):ISSN:2278-0181.
Sadanandan, S, Govindan VK.  2013.  Image Compression with Modified Skipline Encoding and Curve Fitting. International Journal of Computer applications (IJCA). vol. 74:No.5,ISBN:973-93-80876-35-9.
Someswara, P, Govindan VK, S SP.  2013.  Image quality augmented intramodal Automatic Palmprint authentication,IET Image processing. Vol 6:Issue6.
Behera, BN, Govindan VK.  2013.  Improved Multimodal Biometric Watermarking in Authentication Systems Based on DCT and Phase Congruency Model. IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network. Volume 2( Issue 3):ISSN(Online):2.
Govindan, VK, Mallikarjun V.  2012.  IMPROVED APPROACH TO COMPRESSION OF WAVEFORM DATA, 12th and13th Apr. International Conference on Computing and Control Engineering ICCCE-2012. , Dr. M.G.R. University Adayalampattu, Chennai-600 095, Tamil Nadu, India.
Govindan, VK.  2011.  Internet security (Knowledge axis), (Co-authored). , New Delhi: ISBN: 9788125954545, VPH
Govindan, VK, T.M. A, Mathew AT.  2008.  Image compression based on fuzzy edge image and moment preserving. Int. Journal of intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing .
Govindan, VK, T.M. A, Mathew AT.  2008.  Improved BTC image compression using a fuzzy complement edge operator, Signal Processing. vol- 88(issue-12):(2008)2989-2997Elsevier2008.., Elsevier 2008.
Govindan, VK, T.M A, Mathew AT.  2007.  An innovative fuzzy complement edge operator. Int. Journal of Applied Engineering Research. Vol.2(2)
Govindan, VK, Singh AP, MPSebastian.  2007.  Intelligent Location Strategy for Managing Users' Mobility in UMTS Networks. Journal of Mobile Communication 1 (3). :101-108.
V.K.Govindan, Shajeemohan BS.  2004.  An Intelligent Text Data Encryption and Compression for High Speed and Secure Data Transmission Over Internet, 23-24 Feb. Proceedings of the IIT Kanpur Hackers Workshop. , IITKHACK2004
V.K.Govindan, Shajeemohan BS.  2004.  IDBE-An Intelligent Text Data Compression for High Speed data Transmission Over Internet, 20-23 Feb. Proceedings of the International conference on Intelligent Signal Processing and Robotics ?ISPR? 2004. , IIT Allahabad